
May We Lead Them Home

Watch out, for the Force that is coming is unlike no other. It is a United Tribe.

A Tribe of One who is ready to do the work that Destiny has already paved a path for. You are United under One God, under One Unity, under One Source Conscious Creator Force. You are United in a way that many of you can not fathom. You are here en masse to ensure that the work of the nations is complete. To return the Divine Human Blueprint to the masses – to those who are ready, to those who are awakening, to those who are ready to rise.

The Eternal Essence of You

Have you found your true God Source Essence? Have you found the space where you sit and nothing else resides? Have you found the space where all else falls to the side because you know the true innate power of who you are? Have you found this space? Have you found the space of all that is, all that was, and all that could be? Because when you find this space…when you find this power…when you find this essence of you, and you unite with the others who have also found this space, then the divinity of YOU, the true YOU, the one and only YOU will be unleashed.

You are the Change

Have you found your true God Source Essence? Have you found the space where you sit and nothing else resides? Have you found the space where all else falls to the side because you know the true innate power of who you are? Have you found this space? Have you found the space of all that is, all that was, and all that could be? Because when you find this space…when you find this power…when you find this essence of you, and you unite with the others who have also found this space, then the divinity of YOU, the true YOU, the one and only YOU will be unleashed.

What Story Do You Tell? Part II

Zhara received a text yesterday. A long message from someone who has been through hell seeing the error of his ways.  Hell because of the guilt and the shame that he has felt upon him. Hell because he has not seen the gifts that this situation has brought.

We would like to speak about this. And we would like to write directly to this man. Because this man is suffering. And he is doing so needlessly. He is looking at himself and he is seeing himself as wrong. He is looking at himself and seeing his actions. His behaviour. His guidance. His life . As wrong.  And we must say to him. Stop.

What Story Do You Tell? Part I

Zhara received a text yesterday. A long message from someone who has been through hell seeing the error of his ways.  Hell because of the guilt and the shame that he has felt upon him. Hell because he has not seen the gifts that this situation has brought.

We would like to speak about this. And we would like to write directly to this man. Because this man is suffering. And he is doing so needlessly. He is looking at himself and he is seeing himself as wrong. He is looking at himself and seeing his actions. His behaviour. His guidance. His life . As wrong.  And we must say to him. Stop.

Fear: The Source Of Separation

Zhara received a text yesterday. A long message from someone who has been through hell seeing the error of his ways.  Hell because of the guilt and the shame that he has felt upon him. Hell because he has not seen the gifts that this situation has brought.

We would like to speak about this. And we would like to write directly to this man. Because this man is suffering. And he is doing so needlessly. He is looking at himself and he is seeing himself as wrong. He is looking at himself and seeing his actions. His behaviour. His guidance. His life . As wrong.  And we must say to him. Stop.

The Healing Of The Heart

Zhara received a text yesterday. A long message from someone who has been through hell seeing the error of his ways.  Hell because of the guilt and the shame that he has felt upon him. Hell because he has not seen the gifts that this situation has brought.

We would like to speak about this. And we would like to write directly to this man. Because this man is suffering. And he is doing so needlessly. He is looking at himself and he is seeing himself as wrong. He is looking at himself and seeing his actions. His behaviour. His guidance. His life . As wrong.  And we must say to him. Stop.

Avalon, Thank you for the Gifts

Thank You For The Gifts

Zhara received a text yesterday. A long message from someone who has been through hell seeing the error of his ways.  Hell because of the guilt and the shame that he has felt upon him. Hell because he has not seen the gifts that this situation has brought.

We would like to speak about this. And we would like to write directly to this man. Because this man is suffering. And he is doing so needlessly. He is looking at himself and he is seeing himself as wrong. He is looking at himself and seeing his actions. His behaviour. His guidance. His life . As wrong.  And we must say to him. Stop.

Are You Ready to Create?

Today we wish to call to the Warriors. Those who are silent. Those who sit on the sidelines. Those who do not yet know their purpose on this planet. For there are many. There are many of you who sit there, awaiting the call. Awaiting your purpose to appear. Awaiting for the clarity to come into your own.

To you we wish to say:  CREATE.  What is it that you are here for? What is it that you are here for? What is it that you are here for?  Ask this question. Ask us this question. Ask yourself this question. Ask the Universe this question. And just wait. Just wait to see what unfolds for you. For you will have put yourself on the path of no return… with the asking of just a single question.

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