Healing the Wounds

God Knows Not Dark Nor Light. God Knows All.

The Self did not land in this time/space only to experience joy, the Self required the ability to make its way through the darkness of the night. The Self required the innerstanding and knowledge that it is of light so radiant and magnificent that no dark could ever stamp it out.  The light wanted to discover that its eternal glow was so bright that it could never be lost, merely extinguished.

The Gifts of the Creator

There was a time when languages of this planet were based in unity. When languages of the planet resonated love. When the simple knowledge of “I am you and you are me” was remembered and was reflected in the words we spoke. There was a time when we remembered the very nature of existence and the roles we were here to play. There was a time when the people were not separate, when acceptance and togetherness thrived. When the true value of “together we are greater than the sum of our parts” was known…and we thrived.

Friends, the time is upon us again. The time is here where we take back our birthrights, where we reclaim our sovereignty, where we sit in the seat of the heart, and we emanate love. And love is what will change this world.

What Story Do You Tell? Part II

Zhara received a text yesterday. A long message from someone who has been through hell seeing the error of his ways.  Hell because of the guilt and the shame that he has felt upon him. Hell because he has not seen the gifts that this situation has brought.

We would like to speak about this. And we would like to write directly to this man. Because this man is suffering. And he is doing so needlessly. He is looking at himself and he is seeing himself as wrong. He is looking at himself and seeing his actions. His behaviour. His guidance. His life . As wrong.  And we must say to him. Stop.

What Story Do You Tell? Part I

Zhara received a text yesterday. A long message from someone who has been through hell seeing the error of his ways.  Hell because of the guilt and the shame that he has felt upon him. Hell because he has not seen the gifts that this situation has brought.

We would like to speak about this. And we would like to write directly to this man. Because this man is suffering. And he is doing so needlessly. He is looking at himself and he is seeing himself as wrong. He is looking at himself and seeing his actions. His behaviour. His guidance. His life . As wrong.  And we must say to him. Stop.

Fear: The Source Of Separation

Zhara received a text yesterday. A long message from someone who has been through hell seeing the error of his ways.  Hell because of the guilt and the shame that he has felt upon him. Hell because he has not seen the gifts that this situation has brought.

We would like to speak about this. And we would like to write directly to this man. Because this man is suffering. And he is doing so needlessly. He is looking at himself and he is seeing himself as wrong. He is looking at himself and seeing his actions. His behaviour. His guidance. His life . As wrong.  And we must say to him. Stop.

A Discussion With The Dark Forces

Zhara received a text yesterday. A long message from someone who has been through hell seeing the error of his ways.  Hell because of the guilt and the shame that he has felt upon him. Hell because he has not seen the gifts that this situation has brought.

We would like to speak about this. And we would like to write directly to this man. Because this man is suffering. And he is doing so needlessly. He is looking at himself and he is seeing himself as wrong. He is looking at himself and seeing his actions. His behaviour. His guidance. His life . As wrong.  And we must say to him. Stop.

The Gifts Of The Triggers

Zhara received a text yesterday. A long message from someone who has been through hell seeing the error of his ways.  Hell because of the guilt and the shame that he has felt upon him. Hell because he has not seen the gifts that this situation has brought.

We would like to speak about this. And we would like to write directly to this man. Because this man is suffering. And he is doing so needlessly. He is looking at himself and he is seeing himself as wrong. He is looking at himself and seeing his actions. His behaviour. His guidance. His life . As wrong.  And we must say to him. Stop.

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