
Revel In the Moments

Love it for all it’s worth. For before too long it will be over. And you will be exploring new aspects of Creation. And while you are here. Love it up for every single ounce of goodness that it delivers to you.

For this Earth experience….

Even in times of trial, is a gift immeasurable. Revel in the little things. Revel in the moments.

Home is where the heart is

There is a space that you are. There is a space that you BE.  There is a space unlike no other that you can access. You find it through your HEART.  You will know it when all else melts away. When the power of the love, the joy, the radiance of your ETERNAL ESSENCE shines through with a force that knows no other.

The path of evolution

The path of evolution is one that we must choose. If we are ready to embrace the journey and step forward on our path, the assistance arrives. The assistance arrives to clear the templates, to process the pain, to move through the hurts of the past and the programming inflicted.

On the Essence of Your Divine Presence

The blessing that you are is unlike no other.   Do you see You? Do you see the true essence of You? It is a gift unlike no other that was born onto this planet. Can you feel that? Can you feel the true depth of beauty of you? For when you see this beauty, when you can find this beauty, when you can arrive at the place where you love yourself unlike any other love that you have experienced, you will see and love others for the beauty that they are. No matter what.  You will see their soul.

Reclaim Your Free Will Choice

This is where the seat of Divinity arises. And as we take back the power of our hearts, individually and collectively, our collective flame grows. And now is the time my dear friends, for us to Unite. As one great Collective. As one Tribe.  Let us Unite together under the Divine Sun. Take back our Earth. 


This time and space as we know it is not real.  You know this. You know this too well. But you may have forgotten. Are you ready to remember this?

The truth of this reality and the truth of who you are?

For when you recognize the veil that has been shrouding the Worlds that we can freely walk between. When you recognize that life is not what you have been told. Then you will begin to glimpse the great unfolding.


GREAT WARRIORS OF LIGHT, ARE YOU READY TO COME HOME? For you are the ones we have been waiting for. And it is time for you to rise.

This message is not for everyone. It is not for the faint of heart. It is not for those who seek glory. This is for the Warriors.  This is for those who know they are here on a certain mission. This is for the ones who know who they are or those that cannot help but know there is something different about them.

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